Is there an “i” in Ego?



There is definitely an “i” in ego. I know, I know. You may be looking at the spelling of the word “ego” and saying to yourself that there is no “i” in this word. You would be correct in your visible observation. However, the “i” in ego is not a visible letter that we can see. But it is the very thing that drives the meaning of this word. Everyone has an ego. Some people display their ego more visibly than others and some have mastered keeping their’s in check. But, you’re still wondering, what does the “i” have to do with ego? Actually, it has everything to do with it!

In normal day-to-day conversation, you probably say the word ‘I’ at least 20 times a day. When you think about it, it’s kind hard to speak without using the word ‘I’.  After all, you don’t normally refer to yourself in the ‘third’ person, right? Do you consistently find yourself on the receiving end of someone who always makes the conversation about them? You may have started off the conversation by sharing a situation  you were experiencing and before you know anything, this person has chimed in and the ‘I’s” have it!   The interaction has become a one-sided one where you find that you can’t even get a word in edgewise. The other person is rambling on and on: I had that same thing happen to me once, they might say as they rudely cut you off in mid-sentence. I this, and I that! This person has totally taken over the conversation and left you standing there looking dumbfounded! You may be thinking to yourself, how did this conversation get flipped completely around? You’re wondering why you even initiated the conversation in the first place. When it’s all said and done, you might rethink your spelling of the word ‘ego’ because this person obviously spells it with an ‘i’! What do you think?

If you quit, I will support you…..


When you read the title of this article, what comes to mind? When it was said to me, it blew my mind! I learned some very sobering truths during what turned out to be an enlightening conversation with a friend. Now, I was already aware that she is a very hardworking person and is very driven in her career and is very successful as a result. She shared with me that her mom has always been against her decision to become a doctor; hence the title of this post. Have you ever heard of such a thing? This would be some parents’ dream; their son or daughter aspiring to become a doctor and working diligently to make that happen.

Nonetheless, my friend’s mom has consistently, even to this day, encouraged her daughter to try other professions; anything other than the medical field. I could only look my friend with pure amazement and curiosity. As I continued to listen, her mother’s thinking began to have a very sensible rationale behind it; one that never occurred to me. It turns out her mom was only trying to spare her daughter the harsh realities of the vicious grind and obscene trespassing that would overtake her personal life; both non-negotiable and unavoidable factors of aspiring to this profession. This truly was an “aha” moment for me! I totally get where my friend’s mom is coming from. But, I still want to know what you think! Would you ever say this to your children, spouse, friend, etc.? Or, would you just let them be?

May 2024

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