Did You Know?…(5)

Did you know….

    • It is estimated that 10% of all humans are left-handed. Interesting tidbit: 50% of Cats are left- handed. Who knew?
    • Lefthandedness tends to run in families. The British royal family has several lefties which include: the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Prince William.
    • You are 50% more likely to be a ‘southpaw’ if one of your parents is left-handed.
    • Men are more likely to be lefties.
    • Left-handed people are more likely to have an IQ score above 131 and are more apt to be the genius in the family. Lefties are often known to be math wizzes. The Neuropyschology journal published in 2006, indicates that left-handed people process stimuli faster than right-handed people. The Australian National University(ANU), conducted research that supports earlier studies that demonstrate left-handed people use both hemispheres of the brain to process language, whereas, right-handed people tend to primarily use the left hemisphere. Further research supports the hypothesis that people who write using their left hand, most likely have brains that are better suited to bi-hemisphere, simultaneous processing of information.
    • Lefties are said to be better at competitive sports. The Puzzle of Left-Handedness created by Rik Smits, implies that this is because left-handed athletes receive more chances to practice with right-handed opponents.
    • The last 3 out of 4 commander in chiefs are all left-handed: George Bush, Sr., Bill Clinton, and current President Barack Obama.
    • August 13th is Left-handers Day and was launched in 1996.

I am not left-handed, but all of these points are very interesting to me. Especially, considering my son is a leftie. I’m sure he will find this information encouraging to say the least. How about you?

By Sylvia Porter-Hall




Everyone knows or should know that there are more ways than one to become intoxicated. Fresh air can be stress-relieving and wonderfully intoxicating. Then you have the obvious toxins that come from air pollution, chemicals emitted into the air from companies, vehicle emissions, alcohol consumption, some medications, etc. We breath in toxins every day and there’s not much we can do about it. Surely, no one wants to stay in the house day after day, in order to avoid breathing them in. For most of us, this isn’t even an option. But aside from the obvious toxins that we know of and take in daily, where else would you think we are exposed to toxins?

I was hesitant to believe it until I found out firsthand for myself. Some of the most debilitating in-toxi-cation can come from other people. Yes…our fellow acquaintances, friends, strangers, passersby, etc. The thing that drove this point home so hard for me was when these unforseen toxins began to affect my health in very negative ways. You see, when you continue to expose yourself to others who are very ‘toxic’, it begins to have adverse affects on you as a person. You become in-toxic-ated without even realizing it. The problem is that we don’t usually become aware of it until the toxins have really gotten under our skin and into our essence.

It’s bad enough to have one in-toxi-cated person in your life, wreaking mental and emotional havoc. But when you have a handful of these individuals in your circle, the results can be life-changing. These people bring all of their baggage and emotional luggage to your life and promptly set it down, to take up residence. Surely, had you seen the heavy load he/she was carrying, you would have ran for your life! I can recall having several toxic people and situations in my life over a period of time. But again, if you aren’t aware of toxicity and the issues that come with it, then you continue on with these people, never realizing the negative affects their ‘toxicity’ sets into motion until something bad happens. You’re basically a sitting duck, unknowingly waiting for the bottom to fall out. And what a ‘fallout’ that can be!

I realize it probably wouldn’t be fair to blame adverse health issues on any one of these individuals, but I do believe that each and every one of them helped to plant the seeds that set this toxic roller-coaster in motion. It seemed as though where one person planted a seed and moved on, another picked up where that one left off and so on and so on. These toxic seeds were cultivated over and over again until eventually, their poisonous crop came to fruition.

I’m not just talking about intimate relationships. So-called friendships, workplace relationships, family, etc. The toxicity came in all sizes and forms. I had to learn the hard way. My body presented signs, plenty of them, but there was always a self-diagnosis to explain them away.  As a result of my own personal experience, I can strongly urge that we listen to our inner voice and our bodies when things aren’t as they should be. Perhaps a harder look can be taken as to who we allow in our personal space and what affects, if any, we notice after we’ve been exposed to them. You might be surprised to find that you can become in-toxi-cated without ever taking a drink!

By Sylvia Porter-Hall


Where is the ‘Social’ in Media?


Like thousands of others, I’ve been a part of the social media scene for a while now. It has been enjoyable for the most part, but I’ve been noticing over time that something is missing. Maybe this whole social media scene could use a light overhaul; an infusion or transfusion of some kind. Especially since it has become a main vein in the broad band(s) of communication. Have you noticed that when you put yourself out there and try to ignite conversations, all you hear are crickets? Or maybe some pins dropping? Why is that? Maybe your topic was a bit much, so people feel that it is better to just be quiet and leave you out there hanging on a limb all by your lonesome. But wait a minute….aren’t these the same people that are ‘friends’ with you;oftentimes the initiator of your ‘friendship’ status? So why aren’t they being social? After all, that is what this thing is called right? Social Media?

I sometimes feel like I’m just typing words that float off somewhere out there into the ozone, where I can only hope they are received. But the maddening thing is that you know that you’re being heard but for whatever reason, you get no response. Are some people afraid to put themselves out there, just a little in order to respond? Instead, they prefer to just creep in the background and check out what you’re doing and saying and whether others are responding or not. The social media scene would seem to be a great sounding board and a way to communicate without face-to-face conversation; if that is what you’re in to. So why not use this avenue to say something? Anything!

I’m starting to really wonder why this huge arena has been labeled ‘social’ media? Have we forgotten what ‘social’ means? Would you go to a bar after work with your co-workers, only so you could sit alone in a corner and not be bothered by anyone? Certainly not. Or would you host a big family picnic only to whisk yourself away to your room leaving everyone behind to fend for themselves? Absolutely not!  So then, what is the purpose of having a ton of friends, if no one is interacting with each other? Oh, excuse me. Some people only interact with certain people, cliques if you will,  a whole other future post. But my apologies….I digress. I guess my whole point is that there could be a bit more interaction on the ‘social’ media scene. Maybe it should be called Interactive Media? Then again, maybe not. This just might create even less interaction once a formal name meant to define and drive this entity is given to it. What do you think? And please…..by all means….say something! I dare ya!

By Sylvia Porter-Hall

Just write already!


The world of blogging is new to many, even though it has been around for some time now.  Are you one of the ‘newbies’ who is wondering what all the fuss is about?  You may feel intimidated and aren’t sure how to express yourself through this platform. You might let the fact that you’re not big on being grammatically correct get in the way of getting some words down. Well, you’d might be surprised to know that you’re not alone. The word ‘blog’ in itself  is not the most inviting term. Would you agree? I use to think the same thing while wondering what all the ‘blog’ buzz was about.

I started a blog a few years ago and gave up after a while. I was  getting little to no notice, comments, followers,etc. It wasn’t that I didn’t have any content to share. I simply didn’t understand the whole blogging concept. So, I was basically typing my little heart out while my words seemingly disappeared into a deep, dark abyss; never to be seen or heard from again. Needless to say, frustration reared it’s ugly head, and I gave up on my blog.

After reading several blogs recently and observing the types of things people were blogging about, I decided to give it another try. I must say that I am pleasantly surprised at my blogging experience this time around. I now have a better grasp of what this phenomenon is all about. Writing is what I do and blogging  is the perfect way to exercise my passion while connecting with a broad spectrum of varying personalities. I don’t doubt that I would have ever crossed paths with other bloggers, had it not been for revisiting the now infamous planet ‘blog’ .

So, I said all that to say this. As long as you continue to believe that you don’t have anything to contribute or that no one wants to hear what you have to say, you are doing yourself a huge disservice.  Everyone is unique and can bring something authentic to the big broad blogging canvass. There is room for you and your gifts. Certainly, the words are not going to write themselves. So, I say to you, there is no time like the present. Blogging can be fun, stress-relieving, and you can connect with some really neat people! So quit your belly-achin’ and just write already!


Pink Dogs – A Hot Item!



Pink’s was started by Paul & Betty Pink with a $50.00 loan. They originally sold 10 cent hot dogs from a cart on a neighborhood street corner at La Brea and Melrose in 1939. Pink’s was known as the proverbial ‘mom and pop’ hot dog stand. The city of Los Angeles fell in love with this hot dog haven and after 73 years, Pink’s has become an internationally famous landmark under the operation of Paul and Betty’s family – Richard,Gloria, and Beverly. Today, Pink’s Hot Dogs is one of the top 10 Hot Dog Stands in the U.S. as named by Fox News. Is it any wonder that Pink’s has expanded while spreading their ‘hot dog’ love to ten other locations that include Southern California, Las Vegas, and Ohio?

A huge variety of hot dogs,burgers,generous portions and reasonable prices have added to Pink’s notoriety. This establishment is highly recommended to visitors as a “must do” to achieve the “Hollywood” experience that is historically associated with it. Just like anything else, celebrities enjoy a great hot dog too and have found their way to Pink’s consistently over the years! Back in the day, anyone from Orson Welles to Michael Jackson and in between, were known to frequent Pink’s. Today, Pink’s carries on its tradition of delicious food, great customer service, and nostalgically fun atmosphere to celebrities such as Jay Leno, Steve Martin, Bill Cosby, Betty White, Martha Stewart; just to name a few! And let’s not forget the famous celebrity chefs:  Bobby Flay, Giada de Laurentiis, and Emeril Lagasse. Incidentally, Bill Cosby has been said to have on one occasion ordered 10,000 hot dogs to go! Imagine that! It has also been reported that Bruce Willis proposed to Demi Moore at this famous ‘hot spot’. If the walls of this place could talk, the stories they could tell!

The walls of Pink’s have been adorned with photos of Hollywood actors prior to their big breaks, in hopes of being discovered. Even when these up and coming actors became successful, they still found themselves back at Pink’s. What a great way to pay homage to a place that was a haven during humble beginnings! This is more proof that the magic of Pink’s not only exists, but endures!

Customers have been traveling to Pink’s in every kind of moving vehicle, from pickup trucks to limousines. All in the name of satisfying their ‘hot dog’ hunger. It has been said that, “variety is the spice of life”. Pink’s seems to have this down cold, offering 30 choices of hot dogs to satisfy the hungry palettes of their loyal following. There’s even a relaxing dining room and a patio to enjoy your authentically customized ‘dog’. What more could you ask for? I don’t know about you, but Pink’s just became one of the top 10 contenders on my travel to-do list! Won’t you join me?!

Is there an “i” in Ego?



There is definitely an “i” in ego. I know, I know. You may be looking at the spelling of the word “ego” and saying to yourself that there is no “i” in this word. You would be correct in your visible observation. However, the “i” in ego is not a visible letter that we can see. But it is the very thing that drives the meaning of this word. Everyone has an ego. Some people display their ego more visibly than others and some have mastered keeping their’s in check. But, you’re still wondering, what does the “i” have to do with ego? Actually, it has everything to do with it!

In normal day-to-day conversation, you probably say the word ‘I’ at least 20 times a day. When you think about it, it’s kind hard to speak without using the word ‘I’.  After all, you don’t normally refer to yourself in the ‘third’ person, right? Do you consistently find yourself on the receiving end of someone who always makes the conversation about them? You may have started off the conversation by sharing a situation  you were experiencing and before you know anything, this person has chimed in and the ‘I’s” have it!   The interaction has become a one-sided one where you find that you can’t even get a word in edgewise. The other person is rambling on and on: I had that same thing happen to me once, they might say as they rudely cut you off in mid-sentence. I this, and I that! This person has totally taken over the conversation and left you standing there looking dumbfounded! You may be thinking to yourself, how did this conversation get flipped completely around? You’re wondering why you even initiated the conversation in the first place. When it’s all said and done, you might rethink your spelling of the word ‘ego’ because this person obviously spells it with an ‘i’! What do you think?

Mortality’s Mirror?


I observed a very interesting viewpoint while watching a program earlier today.  A new grandfather was asked how he felt about the beautiful, new, bouncing bundle of joy that just came into his life.  He casually said that he had yet to see his new grandson and that he was hardly excited about it. The female character just looked at him with sheer amazement. She didn’t know whether to shake him or hit him.  He then said that when he looks into the face of a baby, he sees his own mortality; the baby’s beginning and his end. Wow! It kind of makes you wonder how many others feel the same way.

When you look into the face of a baby, do you see your own mortality? Has this thought ever crossed your mind? You would think it would be hard to fathom such a morbid thought when looking at such purity,newness, and  innocence that  babies represent. You might agree that babies instill new hope, opportunities, fresh creativity, and a  boundless need to discover the world for yourself; whether it’s for the very first time or even if you’re an old pro!

May 2024

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