That’s My Dawg!


Out of all the different breeds of dogs there are, not to mention the cross-breeds, my all time favorite has to be the very regal German Shepard. For as long as I can remember, I have always been partial to this highly intelligent and protective breed. It is simply the most beautiful dog ever!  Yep, this is my quest! The next dog I will own will be one of these beauties!

The closest I’ve come to owning a German Shepard was when I owned my dog Sasha who past away last June. I miss her dearly. She was a Shepard mix but had all the great qualities of a  full-blooded Shepard. Sasha was loyal to a fault.  And talk about a bark….oh my! I can remember being on the phone and being asked by various people, if I owned more than one dog. I would simply laugh and remark that all the barking was coming from one loud-mouth, lovable dog.

Sasha was the perfect pet, friend, companion and protector. I never knew how strong the bond could be between a dog and its owner, until Sasha came into my life. She had more personality than some humans and was smarter than a whip! You couldn’t get anything past her; eyes always on me, keeping a close watch. Even though I know I will get another dog one day, it is painfully obvious to me that Sasha can never be replaced and will never be forgotten!

But until then, I’ll keep my eyes on the prize. I hope to raise a Shepard from a puppy and plan to take her everywhere with me! When we’re out and about, and someone asks me, “who’s that you have with you?” I will simply respond in my Chris Tucker voice( from the ‘Friday’ movie), “that’s my dawg!!!


What would my grandma say?


I often wonder what my grandma would say about so many things if she were alive today. She had such high hopes for me and my siblings. My grandma had a unique way of making each one of us feel like we had a special and individual relationship with her. It takes a special person that can make so many feel uniquely special, all at the same time.

I can’t help but feel that my grandma and I shared the most unique bond of all. I was the firstborn and my mother has often told me that my grandma fell in love with me instantly as a baby. So much so that she actually kept me for the first nine months of my life!  This still amazes me when I think about it now in my adult life. It started off that grandma was only going to keep me for a couple of weeks to give my mother a little break. A couple of weeks became a  month, two months, so on and so on until nine months quickly rolled around. My mother actually had to insist that my grandma give me back which my grandma of course did, but reluctantly.

Sometimes, I think my own bonding time with my mother suffered some as a result of the first crucial months being spent away from her. It’s almost as if there’s some kind of unspoken disconnect that exists between my mother and I, even to this day. Now, let me be very clear. My mother and I love each other to pieces, but I often feel that intangible missing link that casually floats between us.

My parents used to take my siblings and me to stay with grandma for the summers. We would cry when our parents dropped us off and we would cry when they came to pick us up. Oh the fickleness of children! My grandma would always promise that one of those old days she was going to come back home with us and stay for a couple of days! But until that time came, we just cried like babies when we had to leave grandma at the end of our summer visits.

This one particular summer visit had quickly come to an end. I knew there was a chance that grandma might come back with us this time, but I also knew that she probably wouldn’t. To our surprise,  grandma announced at the very last minute that she would indeed be traveling back home with us for a visit! We were beside ourselves with joy! We didn’t have to be sad about leaving grandma behind  because she was coming with us this time! We couldn’t have been happier!

I had recently learned to “french braid” my hair and had been promptly given the job of braiding all three of my sisters hair as well. Can’t say that I was happy about that but practice makes perfect, right?  Even though my grandma preferred wearing a wig, she was so excited about my new braiding skill, that she wanted me to try it on her as well. I happily braided her hair that weekend. I don’t know who was happier – me or grandma. Grandma only stayed for a few days as she was preparing to move the next weekend into a new house closer to town. She was so excited about us visiting her there in the future summers. That next weekend, my dad went to pick her up for the move. He could see my grandma sitting in her chair by the window as she had often done while watching and waiting for us to arrive in the summers. My dad knocked and knocked but she did not come to the door. My dad went and got someone to help break open the door. Sadly my grandmother had  passed away in her chair with her coat on waiting to go to her new surroundings, but she never made it. I still remember the day my father came home and broke the news to the rest of the family! I learned later that she had passed away with the french braids that I had done still in her hair! My grandma was indeed a special woman and I still feel a bond with her, all these years later. I hear her quiet encouragement when I am hesitant about a new project or adventure. I wonder what she would think of what I’ve accomplished thus far. Would she be pleased with the adult woman I’ve become? I would love to know what she would make of the world and all of the changes that have taken place since she passed away all those years ago. What would she think about all the things I’ve gone through in my life so far? I may never know the answers to these questions but I do know that grandma is somewhere smiling and marveling at everything. She may not be here in the flesh but she is always here in spirit! I will always love you grandma!

Mortality’s Mirror?


I observed a very interesting viewpoint while watching a program earlier today.  A new grandfather was asked how he felt about the beautiful, new, bouncing bundle of joy that just came into his life.  He casually said that he had yet to see his new grandson and that he was hardly excited about it. The female character just looked at him with sheer amazement. She didn’t know whether to shake him or hit him.  He then said that when he looks into the face of a baby, he sees his own mortality; the baby’s beginning and his end. Wow! It kind of makes you wonder how many others feel the same way.

When you look into the face of a baby, do you see your own mortality? Has this thought ever crossed your mind? You would think it would be hard to fathom such a morbid thought when looking at such purity,newness, and  innocence that  babies represent. You might agree that babies instill new hope, opportunities, fresh creativity, and a  boundless need to discover the world for yourself; whether it’s for the very first time or even if you’re an old pro!

May 2024

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